Johnston Financial has been assisting clients with financial advice for over 20 years. We work with you to develop an understanding of your goals and what you want to achieve, and put a plan in place to help you get there, step by step.
Nigel Johnston & Johnston Financial Pty Limited are Authorised Representatives of Lifespan Financial Planning Pty Limited AFSL 229892

How we can help
There are a variety of areas we can help, it really comes down to what you want to achieve - for example just a couple of the areas we can assist with include the following.
Retirement Planning
Everyone wants to retire, but have you thought about how much you want to spend in retirement, when you want to retire and what you want to do, even consideration of Centrelink benefits? The sooner you start planning the better. Everyone should at least have a retirement goal.
Everyone should at least consider protecting their plan. This includes considering insurance in the event of being unable to work due to injury or illness and  protection for in the event of death and trauma. This involves a careful "what if" analysis but at the end you make the decision guided by our advice.
Ensuring you are invested appropriately with reference to your goals and your attitude to risk and return is vital. We go through a structured process to determine your attitude to risk and what is required to meet your goals in order to provide suitable investment recommendations in your superannuation and investment portfolio.